(Ideas will be provided for each unique item privately) You are also tasked to create 10-15 unique items, this includes but not limited to pirate flags, pirate cannons, etc. The catch is that you have to think of the idea for each of those blocks, and implement them, you also have to follow a specific format to make sure that we can easily implement it into our new game.

Your task is to create 100-125 blocks (like in build a boat for treasure, standard blocks such as steel and wood), the size for the standard blocks are 2 studs by 2 studs. We are currently looking for a builder/modeler to take on the role of creating blocks/items that users will enjoy from our new (hopefully) hit game. The TeamĪt Table Flip Studios we pride ourselves on hiring talented artists and developers from the roblox community to work with us on our projects, we enjoy working with people again if we are impressed with their work! Main - Owner | - Co-Owner | - Co-Owner | Programmer - Contributor | - Contributor | - Contributor | - Contributor | Characters About the job Our accumulated place visits exceed 15,000,000 and our games have been enjoyed by many influencers with an accumulatively 40,000,000 subscribers. With credit, love, and respect to all the trailblazing tableflippers who showed the way.Hi there, we are Table flip studios, The developers behind titles such as Submerged and Deserted. We’re ceasing to give any more fucks about your incompetently-run “Uber for cats” app or whatever the fuck your company does. We’re incorporating and fundraising for our own companies, and angel investing in other women who are building amazing things. We’re sharing our long memories of all the creeps who’ve hit on us and the cowards who’ve failed to promote us. We’re following in the footsteps of brave women who’ve flipped tables out of our way, clearing the path we’re now walking down. It’s time we take our potential elsewhere. We’re promoted on performance, while our male peers half-ass their way up the ladder, failing upwards on the “merit” of their “potential.” Action items and measurable metrics are nowhere to be found. We’re encouraged to be nicer and less intimidating and more helpful.

Our reviews are full of words like “shrill”, “abrasive”, “hard to work with”, “not a team player”, and “difficult”. Our serious technical hesitations are answered as though we’re asking what git is. We’re under-sponsored and over-”mentored” - in scare quotes for all the times that “mentoring” has been more like “mantoring”. When we try to take a seat at the table like Sheryl said we should, we’re called presumptuous. When we do these things without your corporate approval, we do it knowing that we may be the next woman who gets quietly fired for being too forward. When we try to play by the rules (which we do because we’ve seen what happens to women who don’t) we’re denied opportunities because we aren’t “ready” for them- and we are ALSO denied the things you say we need in order to BE ready.
We’ve had our work torn down in code reviews and performance reviews, while our male peers back-pat each others’ shitty work onwards to the next production incident. We’ve watched mediocre men whiz by us on a glass escalator, including in the part of tech companies which include a disproportionate number of women - roles that get dismissed as "pink collar" such as marketing, HR, and QA. Instead you got twice as much work out of us than you did out of our male peers, and tossed us a few scraps of “women’s networks” and “Lean In Circles” instead of promotions and raises.įuck that, we’re done. We thought that if we just did twice as well as the pasty hoodie-wearers around us we’d move up through the ranks too. (╯°□°)╯︵ are leaving your tech company because you don’t deserve to keep us around.įor years, we thought it was us.