Core -> add Toxin Resistance roll button Add Signature Maneuvers section (Core Tab beside Qualities and Martial Arts seems like the right spot) Add "Untrained" -1 dicepool option to matrix roll buttons on the "Specialized/Expert" query. Add pain tolerance adjustment modifier for the Resist Pain spell (CRB p137) and Damage Compensator cultured bioware (CRB p293) Add the effects of Pain resistance (Adept Power) to the wound penalty calculations Spell roll template have section Add a "Changelog" Sheet type that displays just a big notes section to publish changes? Rolls -> Matrix section it would be nice to have a Matrix Noise entry box that applies to those rolls.
Add drug section (maybe in gear?) where the drugs can be "on/off" and have the affects via "Modifications" code applied when the drug is on. Add a "Default Firing Mode" option to ranged weapons so when they are set to primary that is the already selected firing mode. Share button for Augs to share the name, rating, notes to chat Bought Hits summon button/calculator for spirits / sprites Need DR for Drones/Vehicles (Body + Armor?) Add Ranged and Melee as importable repeating rows. others? Open those up to Modifications in safe mode.

Add defense roll modifiers to individual defense rollers, Defense, Direct Spell Defense, Indirect Spell Defense. Add a spot (in options since that's displayed first?) to enter which Priorities were chosen.
doable? Make Magic updated if Essence drops below it Major/Minor Actions block for PCs, maybe auto-calculated also? Format Grunt->Complex Forms Duplicate multiple matrix devices like PC sheet has for NPCs Skills->Mod - make Skills->Mod apply to all rolls with the appropriate skill, could probably be achieved by setting attr_SKILLNAME_mod when setting attr_SKILLNAME and then doing a search and replace for to replace with for EACH of the hardcoded skillnames.
Future Features Wishlist GOD character sheet (track OS score for multiple characters, npcs) Extended Tests functionality Have changes to primary ranged weapon firing mode update AR values and DV on select BF or FA hide the standard (single target) roll button, reveal multitarget roll button with prompt for # targets, split dice pool by that and have separate rolls for each. Bugs Ammo only has one input, there should be an input for per reload and max Sheetworker to uncheck specialization if expertise is checked and vice versa for everywhere those occur (spells, arms) NPC no matrix AR/DR for technomancers or with matrix device NPC sheets - Get Matrix DR and Astral DR fields at the top of the sheet PC Spells (no spot for damage type (Physical / Stun)) NPC -> Grunt need Matrix condition monitor box should be 8 + device rating / 2 PC -> Normalize how settings mode is turned on/off preferably to be the same as how skills does it so the importer can 'display' things after filling them in.

Spirit - Should be serviceable, just finished haven't had the opportunity to use it yet. Vehicle - Should be serviceable but not 100% past QC yet. Grunt, Host, Sprite, Vehicle Sheets Grunt - Should be serviceable but not 100% past QC yet Host - Should be serviceable not much to QC on this one Sprite - Should be serviceable, I've used this a few times and am pretty happy with it.

Happy Gaming, Chuz Here is a link to the Work In Progress documentation for the sheet (Note doesn't open in a new window/tab): Shadowrun Sixth World Roll20 Character Sheet Documentation TO DO PC Sheet Miscellaneous tweaks and any bugfixes I come across Eventually some wish list stuff and populate the tab. Also please be patient with me as I'm relatively new to doing front end work so css, modern html and js are not my strong suits. Please when reporting a bug explain the steps required to reproduce it, including if possible any values related to it if it's a calculation or roll error. The NPC sheets are coming along most of the main attributes and derived stats are now matched to the PC sheet and I will be working on the repeating sections next. The PC Sheet is fully functional, with new functionality being added occasionally. Please leave bug reports and criticism (preferably constructive) in this thread and I'll do what I can. I have released it into the wild to get feedback and bug reports to continue to improve it. I have tried to do Cassie's original work justice and bring the sheet up to the current Sixth World rules. The sheet was originally started by Cassie Levett based on a Shadowrun 5e sheet and work fell to the way side as other projects came up. This is a sheet for Shadowrun Sixth World (6e).